Business map
There are about 2000 registered companies in Alytus. According to survey of 2003-2004 school year project it was discovered that out of 400 registered companies, 40 % do not exist. “Business Angel” youth decided to do a good job to all the residents in Alytus. They determined to find out all the necessary information about city companies. This project entitled “Business Map”.
The Vision of “Business Map” is to reveal the real business situation in Alytus, thus getting practical skills that are necessary to know in business world.
The mission of “Business Map” is to make Alytus regional electronic “Business Map” version by involving youth to participate actively in this field and at the same time encourage collaboration of companies and the establishment of other competitive companies.
At the public assembly each member of the group takes responsibility for a different company. In a weeks time the task of each “Angel” is to find out all the unconfidential (necessary) information about the company. With the help of different means he has to find out the companies address and hoe to contact the manager. If the company does exist, they have to arrange the meeting with the manager and discover about company’s activity, strategy, its size and many other questions. To make “Angels” work easier they have a reference book, that ca be used while having conversation with the manager. Thou this work is not always easy, because of the absence of primary information or unwillingness of manager to accept the “Angel”, we will not give up. If the company does not exist we try to find out why it broke up, and what were the consequences of that. Later the “Business Map” group records this information. It is analyzed, organized and kept. Companies are divided according to their activity and status, at the same time analyzing the number of companies that exist, and that do not. This information will be used in the development of the “Business Map” electronic version. The guest of this version will be able to choose the company according to its size, location production and ECT. Having chosen the expanded recording the user will get information in detail. The legend will make this process of finding companies easier.
Collected information is useful not only for the business world or those who are in search for a job, but also for those who study and want to find out which employees and professions are necessary in the city. What are the most advanced occupations and what are the most useful business activities.
“Business Map” will be especially useful for those who start their business. They will be able to find out, which place is the least competitive, what the main issue is, and what the most attractive place in the city is.
We know the way 2004
During the 2004 forum of the public institution “Business Angel” ,in wich was representation the result of the year to the sponsors,many of businessmen decided to help organizate graduation festival for the students.This is how came the idea to do general send-off whick called ,, We know the way 2004’’for seniors,this project should show why youth come back to native town and introduce students with businessmen,who in future can be their employers.
So,last year summer public institution “Business Angel” organized testing swimming by floats.They diagnosed the course and in 18-21 of august 106 people by 13 floats and 2 canoes surfaced by a river which called Namunas.They swam from Druskininkai to Alytus mound.After this project participators understood that it describe picturesque nature of Dz?kija.Besides you can meet new people and you can acquaint not just with businessmen,but even with participators of this action.From all school-leavers and all businessmen we have got great responces.So because of that this project will be annual and now it’s planning at 17-20 of October in 2005.
The project ,,We know the way’’ –first project like this in Dzūkija district and Lithuania too.School-leavers send-off by river is innovative and unique idea .By it all organizators willing to atrract more and more participators form Alytus and municipality of region too.So let show the way on ,that it would be easier to find the way back.
We know the way 2005
In 2005 August a great event was held in Alytus wich was organized by the „Business Angel” youth. It was a second rafting „We know the way” for all Alytus upper-secondary school leavers. 180 different people took a part in the activity including businessmen, polititians and youngsters from all Dzukija region. Participants were rafting in 17 rafts and 6 canoyas for four days from Druskininkai resort to the capital of Dzukija – Alytus.
Let me remind you the purpose of our rafting. The „Business Angel” is an organization of youths and it is sponsored by a lot of businessmen. To get all of them together in one place for communication, games and work is rather difficult however very necessary job. It gives new acquaintances, sharing of experience and contacts. Youths are provided with possibility to find their future employers or at least to realize what proffesions have the highest demand in nowadays companies. It is expected that more and more students after universities will come back to their hometown Alytus. We say that somebody must show for youth that we are waiting for them here.
In 2005 the Mayor of Druskininkai town R. Malinauskas came to wish good luck for the participants. The first task for them was to decorate the raft they are going to raft with. As all the rafts represented different company each, a great competition of brands creation came up. Teams were able to show their skills regarding marketing and also creativity. Later there were a lot of games and sport activities. Each team had their own diary. But the thing that was really worth for an attention was discussions near the fire. Themes about education, profeesions, employment, living and working condittions, future oportunities are very interesting for young people. It goes without saying that informal suroundings for such discussions gives a lot value.
We showed the way for them how to come back. Now we expect them to show the way for others. That is how our network grows.
Information Technology
IT group was founded following the need of taking care of computers in „Business Angel“. It was needed not only from technical side but for programming and operating-systems caring as well. This group is responsible for registering new people to the local forum, forum renovating and replenishing. Our main aim is to ensure the clear working computers system in „Business Angel“, to teach new members work with different programs. For a while our possibilities are limited but with coming new members our possibilities will expand.
Presentations group
PG is responsible for “BA” presentations to the society. The mainlys tasks of this group are: to present BA to take part in exhibitions, to organize presentations of the projects, to create leaflets of BA, to search for sponsors. Also, PG takes cares of the advertisements of BA, variuos text on the internet pages, articles in newspapers. You can implement your creative ideas and fantasy in this group. We have already done the presentation of BA in Sweden, in “Pipe expo” exhibition, took part in the mart of VU career and exhibitions of Alytus city. This book also prepares PG. And it’s just the beginning of our activity.
Declaration group
The filling of Income-tax declarations is very confusing and difficult process. Not everyone knows how to do it or don‘t have a time for doing it. Since 2004 Business Angel members participate in declarations filling process very actively.
According to the law of the Rpepublic of Lithuania Business Angel can get support from steady inhabitant of Lithuania up to 2 percents from the money witch are spent on income-tax.The director of supporter of business angel Marija Liaukaitienė has suggested an idea: people who want to support Busines Angel, can fill declarations here with added exertion budget.
In January 2004 youth declarations filling group was created, and the members have learnt how to comunicate with clients, organize work, calculate income-tax, how the taxoffice works.
In 2004 Business Angel has filled 700 declarations. Thanks for this work 27 percents of Business Angel budget was collected that year. In 2005 730 declarations were filled.
Youth Distribution Service
Unique, the only one without any analogues – the first youth enterprise in Lithuania! “Youth distribution service”. That original idea – to found a youth enterprise was offered by Pb.I. “Business Angel”. It`s foreseen that enterprise won’t limit itself by different printed matters like newspapers, journals, placards and etc distribution, but will also expand their activities in other different spheres.
This enterprise is the first distribution services of this type in Lithuania. We believe that very soon it will develop their activity in Alytus. Only youth is going to work and rule in Youth distribution service.
This youth distribution service already had an opportunity to prove a responsabilility and good, qualified work. All works were done perfectly and all clients were totally satisfied. We can say that the luckiness guarantees of future enterprise are:
- Good reputation in Alytus;
- Made a comprehensive analysis of market;
- Future clients already found;
- Qualified favors with no analogues.
All members of this group are working in one team and they are learning to realize their ideas, help and give advises to others. Also they acquire many new knowledges and skills. Purchase the share, become the part of active youth and get a profit of your ideas in company`s control!
Innovation Circle
„Innovation Circle“ is the first and the biggest international project to be implemented by Alytus City Municipality acting as a Lead Partner together with the functional project partner – Public Institution Baltic Innovation Group. The other 12 project partners are from 7 Baltic Sea Region countries: Functional Lead Partner (Lithuania), Druskininkai Education Centre (Lithuania), Cesis District Council (Latvia), Turi Municipality (Estonia), Suwalki City Municipality (Poland), Robertfors Municipality (Sweden), Tranemo Municipality (Sweden), Finnmark Country Council (Norway), Notodden Municipality (Norway), Ostfold County Council (Norway), Spydeberg Municipality (Norway), Pskov Region Agency for Regional Development (Russia), Committee of Youth of Murmansk Region (Russia).
The overall aim of the project is to stimulate innovation and sustainable development in rural districts and smaller and medium sized towns in the Baltic Sea Region, to enhance competence about innovation strategies and EU policies through a transnational professional network and a tailored training program.
The project basic activity will be carried out in three key fiels: Innovation Academy, Local and transnational initiatives, Innovation Forum. Five international training workshops will be organized during the Innovation Academy:
1. Innovation, competitiveness and spatial development.
2. Changing the culture of governance.
3. Sustainability, design and innovation.
4. Entrepreneurship and business development.
5. Management for innovative projects.
Young people preoccupied with the project will be able to take part in the innovation summer camps. Two such events will happen during the project.
Based on the project methodology the acquired knowledge and experience will be used in practice based on local initiatives. Each partner should implement project relevant to oneself, which would contribute to the improvement of the life’s quality. The local initiatives and existing potential there will be supplemented with partners’ experience and experts advices. It will be aimed that the local narrow perception would be refilled with knowledge and global comprehension. In the context of the global processes, it will be endeavouredd to find out uniqueness and to learn to be interesting to the others both on national and international levels.
3 big international (~150 participants) and a lot of smaller, including workshops, summer camps, transnational exchanges, meetings, events are planned during this project. The project opening coference took place in Alytus on 11-13.05.2005, in which about 120 participants from all project partners’ institutions have participated.