Innovation circle summer camp
Between 24-29 August, a group of angels joined a second international summer camp, organized by “Innovation circle” . This year campsite placed in Latvia, Siguld town, famous for its green parks.
“Business Angel” came to the campsite with five projects (“Youth Distribution Service”, “We Know The Way”, “Baltic Tourism”, “Dzukija Tourism”, “Japanese Garden”) ready to represent. Simples of the projects were sent to the experts.
There were three working parties on the campsite, but all the angles worked together, in the business party. In this group we had an opportunity to learn, how to make our ideas into business plans. In the first project we wrote, angels tried to connect two ideas: “Baltic Tourism” and “Dzukija Tourism”. For the second project we used our “Japanese garden” idea. Not only days were ment for working. Every evening angels worked hard. We were happy having a chance to get some useful advices from Norwegian experts and hearing great plans assessments.
On the last day only few minutes were given for representing projects. Because of lack of time we decided to connect all three ideas into one big business plan with a one purpose: To attract as much as possible tourists into the region of Dzukija. Unfortunately, this united idea wasn’t highly assessed. Probably, high budget numbers scared raters.
However, angels did not disappoint. We still going to work with projects useful for our region and prepare 2007 Expo exhibition.
There were many interesting discussions, different games and wonderful evenings on the camp. All the angels came home full of impressions and new experiences.