Guests from Ukraine and our week
On last Thursday we were having a guest from Ukraine (Zhytomyr region) in our general meeting. A member of Ukraine youth organization „XXI platform“ introduced their projects and told about their „Success strategy“ program. Also, she told us about four books, connected with econimic. Guests were surprised that our organization already have two enterprises.
In the end of the meeting guests presented some books and invited us to go to conference in Ukraine on September.
Although „angels“ have holidays, however they are working intensively. We have got new idea- „Morning with coffee“! When our heads have some problems or questions, they meet each day in the morning and try to solve these problems. This week, on Wednesday they were discussed about STT group problems.
The group of „We know the way 2006““project is entinsively organizing rafting. This week on the radio station FM99 the advertisment of the trip was recorded. Now this group is searching partners and sponsors.
At this week our meeting we have discussed about our city days exhibition, this exhibition pluses and minuses. We have played some games where we have had to have team work and logic.
Rima Kuklytė