Try not to lose your footing!
In this time of year, we often hear people saying that there are no winter sports in Alytus. It is frequently discussed on the places suitable for skiing and skating, however, no particular locations are distinguished. In order to help townspeople and to revitalize abandoned places the active youth of Alytus have decided to organize an event on the 31 of January.
A little about the idea
In October, the active youth organized a hike to Dainu slenis. During the hike discussion developed on the future of this already abandoned place. On that day, a number of ideas was stated, however, the most interesting and original was the idea to open an ice-rink in Dainu slenis. The Initiative Team of Dainu slenis has gradually begun to prepare for this cheerful winter event.Try not to Lose your footing
From the early morning of 31 January, people hung around impatiently waiting for the registration. The event started at 11 am. Vytautas Urbonas and Goda Jonuskaite introduced sports contest and its rules. The participants could observe ice-dancing, sled-pulling competitions, quatrain poetry contest. As it was promised, while ones were playing ice-hockey others had a great opportunity to learn some dance tricks with the help of Viktoras Zujevas and his break-dance team “Banzai”. The winners were awarded with our sponsors prizes (thanks to FM99 radio station, the daily newspaper “Alytaus Naujienos”, “Alytaus Gidas”, “ALT reklama”, “Miesto laikraštis”, “Verslo Angelas”, “Ramirent”, “Alytaus duona”, “Dzukijos vandenys”, “Ordo”, “Kortas” and Alytus municipality). All the participants had a possibility to taste biscuits and rolls of bread, the present from “Alytaus duona”.
Revitalized Dainu Slenis
It is not easy to convey all the emotions, feelings and laughter of that day. Smiling faces, children having fun, snowball fight. The event brought families and friends together. After the event Greta Juodziukynaite, the leader of Dainu Slenis Initiative Team was optimistic. Despite few problems the goal was achieved. Moreover, positive responses of the participants motivate to go further. In particular, people were happy to see that Dainu slenis has become the centre of winter blast. One of the participants of this event, Gediminas Ryzeninas stated that “after a long break Dainu slenis was revitalized again. We were thought not only to dance but also play ice-hockey. Time has passed so quickly. We did not care about the cold.” The event was full of good emotions, warm people and willingness to communicate. The youth believe that it was not the last time in Alytus when people had a possibility to indulge in winter sports in Dainu slenis.