Project “We know the way” in the world ;)
“We know the way” project is running up! Although all of us are on holidays but we are intensively working. “We know the way” group is collaborating with partners in other towns. We are sharing all advertisement information and always discussing about rafting problems. This week we are planning to have some meetings with our rafting partners. We have already recorded rafting advertisement in radio station FM99, so we are inviting to swim all Dzukija’s region school-leavers, sponsors, businessmen and students. In the nearly future you could see “We know the way” advertisement in your TV box. Also, we are planning to invite in rafting discussions interesting businessmen, students and some human beings, who have a lot of experience in working with people and doing business. Moreover, it is working with sponsors who can promote rafting shirts. We need them not only in the rafting but also in a press conference and we believe that there will participate many journalists from all Lithuania. We have already shared all jobs and now we are thinking about all problems which could emerge till the rafting. Nevertheless, we were really discussing about registration. It was made a decision that registration will have been ended till the first of August and all participants could bring registration tax from 3 of August till 16 of August. Now we have booked: 54 school- leavers, 34 students, 1 businessman and 24 organizators. We are pleased, that “angels” are intensively working!
Justė Šemetaitė