Month's news
Scarcely past workshop for entreneurship of project „Innovation circle“, little angels began to organize other seminar – „Youth street“, which was in Birštonas on Nvember 25-26. In this seminar participated youth from all Alytus’s regional. This project main purpose is to summon chauvinistic and aloof youth from remote Lithuania’s corners, to discuss, to speak with them about chances to do activity in their district.
Business angel had some problems. November 15, was the last day, when the money of 2005 year filled declarations, had to send for us. However pay’s inspection, which Business angel never handicapped, found the matter to accost. But Business angel is certain that they get their earn money.
Baltic tourism activity revived. New group continue works: active leisure’s organization; villa’s lease; Christmassy event’s organization; event, feast-day, party’s organization; Christmas and New year’ s party’s organization;
Also Business angel got offer to participate Alytus’s social youth organizations union’s “Apskritasis stalas) (“round table”) assembly’s observer.
November 15-17 a few little angels was in conference in Latvia. Participants said that seminar was interesting, they had to do many worksheet. Participants learned about advertisement and it’ s business.